Sustainable development with engineering knowledge

Sanengi and the environment


SANENGI, SL is a family business with more than 30 years of experience in civil and environmental engineering services.

Our mission is to contribute to a sustainable development of our environment by using our engineering knowledge. That is why we face our work from a global, open and enthusiastic perspective, always looking for imaginative solutions to urban and environmental infrastructures.

Our company is dedicated to planning, designing, and executing civil engineering works in its broadest sense and approaching projects from a global and sustainable analysis.

We work on public and private projects offering the best solutions, taking advantage of our experience and knowledge in both sectors.


We offer all services related to planning, designing and executing civil works, for public or private clients:

Planejament urbanístic
Urban planning
Redacció de projectes d’obres
Drafting of road infrastructure works, hydraulic works, urbanization and other civil works
Direccions d’obra
Construction management
Estudis de mobilitat
Mobility studies
Estudis d’inundabilitat
Flood studies
Estudis de gestió de residus
Waste management studies
Coordinació de Seguretat i Salut en obres
Coordination of Health and Safety at work
Plans de manteniment i explotació d’instal·lacions industrials
Maintenance and operation planning of industrial water purification and waste management facilities
Estudis d’impacte ambiental i paisatgístic
Environmental and landscape impact studies


We are professionals with over 30 years of experience in civil, industrial and environmental engineering.

This long experience has helped us develop our vision. A holistic approach to current infrastructure problems allows to design specific solutions tailored to each project needs.

The experience of our professionals includes urban planning (from general to partial levels), road infrastructure designing, hydraulic and urbanization works, industrial and waste management facilities internationally. This experience is also complemented by the construction management and the industrial water and waste facilities management.

Office desk

Contact information

If you have any questions, you can send us an email or call us. We look forward to talking with you.

Consent (Required)
Passeig de Barcelona 6, oficina 3, 17800 Olot
972 269 011
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